Who We Are

Garden Dance Inc. is a nonprofit organization with one ultimate purpose: to tell stories rooted in Biblical truth and bursting with the hope of Jesus. We do this in two ways: firstly through our Dance Productions and secondly through our technique Classes.

Dance Classes

Our classes will focus, year round, on the technique of each style and not include a performance aspect. Choreography will be taught out of the rehearsals, where all students who audition will be given a role in our next original, faith-based dance production!

Our Mission

To raise up the next generation of performers and choreographers by providing excellent dance instruction and developing original, faith-based productions to inspire and encourage the local community.

Read more about Garden here!


How You Can Help

Garden Dance will put on original, faith-based dance productions to inspire, motivate and encourage the local community. Our productions will be fueled by youth dancers who share our passion for spreading the hope of Christ Jesus. There are several ways you can help!

Uncompromising Standards

At Garden Dance we will always uphold our standards regarding attire, movement, music, conduct and instruction. We will stand firm in our commitment to excellence in dance, care for the dancer and our mission to share the story of Jesus through dance!

Community Minded

Garden Dance, Inc. is invested in its dancers and in the community in which those dancers live. Dancers who love where they are taking dance currently and simply want a new performance opportunity are welcome to continue taking classes at that studio and still join the production cast.

With that same heart, our productions will be open to the entire community at an affordable cost, and hope to become a staple of family friendly, faith-based entertainment in our area.

Our Incredible Staff

Meet the Team Behind the Scenes.

Garden Dance-Wear

Now you can support Garden Dance by purchasing your dance-wear directly through our shop!